Students must be passing ALL four (4) core classes (ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies) at the end of the school year to go into the next grade. Passing is considered a 60% or above for the YEAR grade in each core class. Students who do not have 60% or above for the YEAR may still pass IF they pass the core class final exam with a 60% or above.
Students who fail two or more classes will be retained for the next school year and repeat the grade. (For example: If a student fails Math and Social Studies in 6thgrade; the student will re-take all 6th grade classes for the 2013-2014 school year)
Students who fail only one class will be expected to take a credit recovery course offered to “make up” the missed class in order to be move on to the next grade. Students who need credit recovery will receive information later in the school year as to dates/times/etc.
Remember grade retention is based upon overall YEAR grade for the core class.